Kisaku (気さく - Frank)

Mar 3, 2018 13:19
We express people who have frank or companionable character using the Japanese term 気さく (kisaku).

"Kisaku" comes from an archaic Japanese adjective さくい (sakui), which means that something is light or frail.

By adding 気 (ki), which means "character" or "disposition," to the stem of "sakui," the adjective verb "kisaku" was created.

Also, さく (saku) in "sakui" means remaining residues after whittling woods.

Since such wood chips are very light, it has come to mean light and frank personalities.

I hope that sometime the number of 気さくな人 (kisaku na hito - a person who have a "kisaku" personality) will increase in the world.



「さくい」の語幹に "character" や "disposition" を意味する「気」をつけて、「気さく」になったというわけです。



No. 1 artboy598's correction
  • Kisaku (気さく - Frank)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • We express people who have frank or companionable character using the Japanese term 気さく (kisaku).
  • We express people who have a frank or companionable character using the Japanese term 気さく (kisaku).
  • "Kisaku" comes from an archaic Japanese adjective さくい (sakui), which means that something is light or frail.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By adding 気 (ki), which means "character" or "disposition," to the stem of "sakui," the adjective verb "kisaku" was created.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Also, さく (saku) in "sakui" means remaining residues after whittling woods.
  • Also, さく (saku) in "sakui" means “remaining residue after whittling wood”.
  • Since such wood chips are very light, it has come to mean light and frank personalities.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I hope that sometime the number of 気さくな人 (kisaku na hito - a person who have a "kisaku" personality) will increase in the world.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Very good explanation! Thank you very much for the lesson!
Thank you very much for your corrections! (^^)